New! Fertility Program for Couples

Millions of couples in the United States struggle with infertility. In 2/3 of couples the “problem” does not clearly lie with the female or the male; both partners have some degree of subfertility. For example, she may have irregular cycles and he may have a boarder line low sperm count. In this common scenario, the optimum chances […]

Constipation, Diarrhea & Stomach Pain, Oh My!

  Do you have abdominal pain, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea and fatigue?  You are not alone! Digestive problems are incredibly common.  Unfortunately, many people suffering from these symptoms:

Health Insurance That Gives You Choices

Want better coverage for your acupuncture care? There are a number of options available to you. You may qualify for a Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Arrangement. A Health Savings Account (HSA) is an alternative

Excerpt from Practical Fertility

Infertility and Miscarriage By definition, those who have suffered a miscarriage are not infertile, although up to one third of these couples have faced fertility challenges before conceiving. It can be easy for fertility specialists and prospective parents to place so much attention and emphasis on getting pregnant that they loose perspective of what is […]

Excerpt from Practical Fertility

  Below is an excerpt from my book, Practical Fertility.     Thyroid Questions and Answers   So far we’ve talked about the pituitary, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and of course the UTERUS in regards to fertility, but what about that unsung hero, the thyroid? The thyroid gland

A Request for Help…PCOS

The following is a particularly eloquent email one of my patients sent me before she made her first appointment. This is an excellent example of the type of inquiries I get weekly. The following is an excerpt of our communication, posted with her permission and request to remain anonymous. Her email is in italics and […]

Dr. Rozenn Joins the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine

 Dr. Rozenn is the only board certified specialist in Oriental Reproductive Medicine in Santa Cruz county!   According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, approximately 3 million couples in the United States are unable to conceive after one year of trying. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting […]

Herbal Formula For Hormonal Imbalance Following Pregnancy

A modification of the famous formula, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang was shown to be effective in alleviating the signs and symptoms of Sheehan’s syndrome. This unfortunate complication of delivery can occur post pregnancy. It is marked by poor blood supply to the pituitary gland during delivery resulting in damage and reduced pituitary function.  Infertility is a common […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infectious Disease

The following is an excerpt from an article written by one of the field’s leading researchers and herbal manufacturers. I have been to many of Dr. Chen’s workshops and have found his information on herb-drug side effects and herbal alternatives to drugs invaluable. I have prescribed many of his formulas to my patients with excellent results. I even witnessed […]

Hepatitis C and Type 2 Diabetes

Hepatitis C is an epidemic, both in Santa Cruz County and across the country. Over five million people have hepatitis C in the United States, and approximately 200 million people are infected worldwide. This virus causes chronic liver inflammation which can scar the liver, leading to severe liver disease. Hepatitis C is also associated with […]