Fertility Awareness–What about Men?

sperms-meet-eggWorld wide, in 30-40% of couples with infertility, the reason lies with the male partner. While up to 50% of male subfertility is unexplained, there are several factors that can influence sperm count, health and function.


Steps to take:

1. Limit and Buffer Exposure to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals

One cause of lower sperm counts is environmental chemical pollution. We live in a world that is rich with chemicals that act like estrogens (xenoestrogens). These substances are found in paints, polishes, plastic bottles of water etc. Phthalates are another chemical component found in plastics, shampoos and soaps. Herbicides and pesticides on fruits and vegetables plus steroids given to cattle are a commonly in the typical man’s diet. Exposure to all of these can disrupt a man’s hormonal balance leading to decreased sperm counts.

            First of all it is extremely important that men eat organic foods. Also, drink water out of glass bottles rather than plastic. Don’t reheat foods in plastic containers or drink warm liquids out of plastic mugs.

            Buffer your exposure to chemicals with a diet rich in antioxidants. This includes vegetables and green tea. Soy contains phytoestrogens. While these can be very helpful to women going through menopause, soy certainly should not be the only source of protein in a man’s diet.


2. Maintain a healthy body weight.

            In addition to a variety of health problems the obesity causes, overweight men tend to have lower sperm counts. Clinically obese men are 30% more likely to be less fertile and overweight men have a 20% chance of being subfertile. In and of itself diabetes is a cause for low fertility.

            One simple change men can adopt to improve health and enhance weight loss is simply taking a walk after eating. Meals should not be so big or heavy that this seems impossible. Using part of your lunch break for a short walk or if the weather is inclement walking up and down stairs after eating will help you metabolize your food and lead to healthier blood sugar levels.


3. Keep testicular temperature low.

            Testicles need to be a slightly lower temperature that the rest of the body for optimum sperm production.

Men are advised to sit with their legs slightly open rather than crossing them. Don’t place a laptop computer on your lap. Avoid hot tubs.


4. Be aware of any fertility reducing side effects of prescription medications.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are known to lower fertility. Depression is a serious illness and one should not simply stop taking medication. Men can discuss alternatives to SSRIs such as appropriate exercise regimens, acupuncture and herbal medicinals and meditation with their health care provider. Viagra and marijuana can alter sperm motility and thus reduce fertility.


Research—Acupuncture can improve men’s fertility 

The study Quantitative evaluation of spermatozoa ultrastructure after acupuncture treatment for idiopathic male infertility, published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility examined men with idiopathic (unknown cause) subfertility. Subjects had too few sperm, malformed sperm and/or sperm with poor motility. After 10 acupuncture treatments researchers found a significant improvement in the percent of normally formed sperm. Sperm motility was also improved and brought up to normal levels.


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