Sniffle, Sniffle, Sneeze, Wheeze-May is Asthma Awareness Month

The red eyes, runny nose, fatigue, sneezing, wheezing, itching…yup! Its that time of year again! Allergy season. For most people allergies are annoying, the common cold that won’t go away for months. But for some people, Asthma can be brought on by seasonal allergies. This complication can be life threatening.

Common symptoms of Asthma include:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing (a whistling, squeaky sound when you breathe)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid breathing
  • Chest tightness

In addition to a physical examination and medical history, physicians may order other tests known as “Lung Function Tests” to measure your breathing capacity. Spirometry and Peak Air Flow are two of the tests used to diagnose Asthma. Oriental medicine physicians use a broader definition of the diagnosis “Asthma” and thus utilize different physical findings and medical history to determine if a patient has Asthma.  

For example, I have treated several patients who for one reason or another do not qualify for the strictly “Western” diagnosis of Asthma, but clearly have immune-mediated-inhibited breathing. As an Integrative Physician, I am interested in my patient’s life experiences, not necessarily their scores on standardized breathing tests.

Both children and adults suffering from Asthma commonly experience related a group of symptoms. For example, often they have skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis and digestive issues, including food sensitivities. Their immune system is constantly on overdrive, and it reacts in full force with a histamine mediated reaction including stuffy nose, itchy eyes, throat, skin and difficulty breathing.

The treatment for patients of all ages is based on:

Identifying and eliminating the allergens. There can be many substances that the immune system reacts to. And, there are many ways to flush out these triggers. I’ve found blood tests to be very helpful in identifying foods, medications, herbs, food colorings and additives that can activate the immune system over time and produce Asthmatic symptoms and allergies.

After removing triggers, we bring the immune response back into balance via acupuncture treatments, and individually prescribed herbal formulas and nutritional supplements. Even though two people may have asthma, one may respond to one Chinese herbal formula, while the other patient requires a different approach with a totally different herbal formula. Highly sensitive individualized diagnosis is a cornerstone of Oriental Medicine Therapy.

We offer a unique blend of Eastern and Western approaches for allergy diagnosis and treatment:

  • Oriental Medicine diagnosis yields a picture of your unique constitution.
  • The latest in environmental/food/herb/spices allergy AND SENSITIVITY testing (which foods that you eat are contributing to your Asthma?)
  • Liver detoxification when necessary-this can greatly reduce systemic inflammation and teach you what foods agree with your body and which ones can cause symptoms.


As a young acupuncturist, my teacher referred a patient to me for allergy induced Asthma. She was 15. After two sessions, her Asthma had receded, her parents were delighted, and I must admit, I was ecstatic too. “You made a difference in a kid’s life”, my teacher told me with a smile. I’ll never forget that feeling. That adolescent’s life was different because I helped her understand her triggers and how to strengthen her immune system. It is days like this in which I am convinced there is no better job than mine.

Allergies are a signal telling you something is wrong. What is often very surprising to people is that treating their allergies is a key component of treating all sorts of health problems. Allergies indicate inflammation. Typically this inflammation is not just localized in the sinuses or lungs, it also shows up in other parts of the body, like joint pain, skin rashes or muscle tension and pain.

The gift of Chinese medicine is that it addresses the whole person, taking into consideration environmental and constitutional factors when treating allergies. Acupuncture, herbal formulas, nutritional supplements and dietary shifts can all reduce inflammation and get to the root cause of WHY your immune system is out of balance.

If you, or someone you know suffers with Asthma, give them a life-line. Help them change their circumstances by lowering their systemic inflammation and learning how to sustain their progress.

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to take allergy medication that just suppresses obvious allergy symptoms?

Make an appointment and start the journey towards a life with clear breathing today!

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