Tests Your Western Doctor May Not Offer

6742871_sIn the ever evolving world of evidenced-based medicine, you want a doctor who keeps up on the latest diagnostics! Unfortunately, it takes time for medical schools to incorporate scientific breakthroughs and avenues of exploration into their curriculum, leaving it up to your doctor to stay informed and up to date in their medical practice. Therefore, “cutting-edge” laboratory tests can take decades to become the “standard of care”. Functional Medicine bridges this gap between research and practice. Dr. Rozenn practices Functional Medicine, bringing you the best of Western diagnostics and Eastern healing techniques.

Adrenal Function Test–For those suffering from chronic illness, fatigue, loss of libido, weight gain and menopausal symptoms–An Adrenal Stress Profile monitors the functioning of the adrenal glands’ cyclical release of cortisol and DHEA. Cortisol is known as a “stress hormone” but we normally release it through out the day with peaks at 8am and 12pm. The key is having the right amount of cortisol at the right time of day. Your cortisol levels should be lowest at midnight, not 2pm! Cortisol, and the adrenal hormone DHEA, affect carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. DHEA plays a major role in estrogen, testosterone and progesterone hormone production. The Adrenal Profile is comprised of 4-5 simple saliva tests spanning a 24-hour period. Your fatigue, emotional states (such as the “tired and wired” phenomenon) and their relationship to your hormone balance can be measured with this test.

Food Sensitivity Tests – Food Sensitivity Testing does not test classic “food allergies”. This blood test looks for food intolerance. The difference between allergy and intolerance is wide. In short, food allergies elicit an IgE reaction, where food intolerance is measured by IgE, IgG and NK cell reactions. Often food intolerances present with delayed reaction ions. Food sensitivities promote inflammation and are often causative factors in common illnesses such as: migraines, chronic fatigue, depression, ADD/ADHD, gingivitis, periodontitis, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, asthma, chronic nasal congestion, recurrent sinusitis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, eczema, acne, psoriasis and more!
The Boston Heart Test- What doesn’t this test cover? Omega 3-6-9 ratios, hormones, genetic predispositions, inflammation, hormones…the list goes on. A must for anyone diagnosed with high cholesterol or other cardiac risk factors.
Effective Parasite Diagnostics–  Parasite tests entail microscopic evaluation of stool. This test is indicated for patients with sudden changes in bowel patterns, especially for those who have been traveling abroad or camping. Unfortunately, many ‘standard” labs have a very high false negative rate. Therefore, unless this test is done at a specialty lab, the results are not reliable.
Microbiology Evaluation– A Microbiology Analysis evaluates several stool samples for levels of beneficial flora, yeast, and pathogenic bacteria. If your positive bacteria is low (like Bifidus), or you have a damaging bacteria (like Giardia) this test will inform you of bacterial levels AND in the case of pathogenic microorganisms, it will determine which herb/supplement/drug is most likely to be an effective bacteria eradicator.
If you have any of the above issues, or just want an assessment of your Cardiac, Adrenal, Immune or Intestinal Health, schedule here to ask Dr. Rozenn about your testing options!

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